October 2009

Now, that’s how to win an election. Leave it to Mr.Gucker to host a Halloween breakfast bash over at 45 Central. (If you didn’t already know, Mr. Gucker is a zombie aficionado in addition to being a planning wiz and the most sickeningly logical geek I’ve ever met.)  Oh, be sure to check out the best lit piece I’ve ever seen…I campare to to BJ’s television commercial. Love it!

Unfortunately for me, I woke up at 4AM today which gave me a challenging head start to the day. Why I didn’t get a jump start on my house buying extravaganza, I’ll forever be kicking myself. At 8:27, my stomach started reminding me that it had been awake longer than usual this fine morning. Then, it hit me…I remembered Luke was serving breakfast on over at 45 Central….so I showered and ran.

Now, I don’t know if you know 45 Central but I had only been there once, apparently, it’s similar to Fort Knox because the guy sitting inside the security door wouldn’t lift a finger to get me in. Doesn’t he know who I am? I punched the button as instructed, got the nod from the community room…still the guy sat there. Soon, Mr. Lussier came bounding toward the door. I stuck my tongue out at the “security guard” and made a mental note to pour him the caffienated coffee this morning.

Now, while I may not have been inside this building, I passed by every day on my way to the old office, all the folks sit out front on nice mornings and I say howdy and wave to all of them along my way. One guy even took to walking me to work and buying me coffee….why, cause I’m sweet as hell…mostly. I had really wanted to meet up with one guy in the Central “wave zone.” I heard his name is Sonny but, Sonny apparently wasn’t hungry this morning. Hey, I go where there’s free food! I’m easy.

Oh, and I found out today, from George, the palmreader that I am, indeed….easy. Now, George attempted to make that sound a little better than it was and I think in the end, I had negotiated to “not really easy.” That sounds much better, right? He also told me that I would be “comfortable” in my old age. I like that cause I’m damn sure not “comfortable” now and I’m damn close to being “old aged.” Oh, and you’re never going to believe this, Georgie tells that I can see things clearly that others can’t see clearly (now, mind you, he had never read my blog so he didn’t know I was so damn smart at that point…he has since read it.) And, get this, that I get frustrated with others inability to see the “things” that are so clear to me. Now, that explains a few things.

Also in attendance, Ms. Sheehan, the “I love all candidates candidate.” Really, the chick’s a diplomat and a half. I love the woman. Oh, and I had my first encounter with Mr. Teff. He’s not nearly as imposing without his suit….nice guy. He was pumping up on the coffee with me. Then, I met one of my fans, I’m always surprised when I hear that someone reads this here blog. Oh, and this fan owns my favorite male name, Ron…I have a son named Ron, a Dad named Ron and I’ve had several cats named Ron. Ya see, my Dad used to hate cats and every cat I would bring home I’d name Ron. Now, how could my dad say no to that?

So, Ron is the Dad of the famous witch DJ at the Albany Library…you should have seen that place rockin’ with 850 folks dancing to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” for the last dance of the evening. Sorry, flashback to fun.  Great meetin’ ya, Ron, I’m sure I’ll be seeing you again soon…like Monday.

Anyway, the breakfast had a great turnout and a fun time was had by all…..oh, and they all promised to vote for Mr. Gucker…course, I promised to write bad things about them if they didn’t. (Naw, I’m halfway jokin.) And, of course, I put that line in there for Mr. Konev. Oh yeah, almost forgot to tell you about the cat suits. While the kitchen was packed with volunteers making sausage (Mr. Curtis, sausage king!), bacon and pancakes, two college volunteers (WITH TAILS!!) were serving the residents their food. Now, who would have thought that cat servers on Halloween would be a hit with our seniors?

I will be hanging with the 45 Central Avenue folks on Monday morning at 10AM when they will have a real flag raising ceremony. Everyone who’s anyone will be at that ceremony so be there or be counted among the missing.

I just received the below statement from the Gucker campaign folks, while I’d love to confirm, it seems as if the Board of Elections website is having some issues. Besides, I’ve reported here throughout the campaign that Mr. Konev has been rather lax in his public obligation to follow the same rules are the rest of the candidates…like filing his financial reports.

Statement From Luke Gucker Regarding Missing Campaign Filings

From the beginning of this race I have emphasized my support for campaign finance reform and the repeated offenses by my opponent, Anton Konev, are a testament to how important this is. Much like some of his backers in New York State government, he doesn’t seem to feel like he has to play by the same rules as the rest of us.

In accordance with the law and respect for the transparency our constituents have come to expect and deserve, I have filed all of my campaign finance disclosures on time and accurately. While Mr. Barnes hasn’t raised or spent enough money to merit a filing, and though no longer a candidate Ward Leader Justin Teff has made it a point to file timely disclosures as well, Mr. Konev is now nearly a week late with the most recent legally required disclosure.

These disclosure statements are critical in helping voters understand where candidates get their support and how they spend their money. The 11-day pre-general disclosure is particularly important, given that Mr. Konev hosted a fundraiser less than two weeks ago. The public deserves to know from whom he raises his money, and how he has spent it. This is not the first time Mr. Konev has failed to file his reports on time, and one can only wonder if this type of blatant violation off the law is what we can continue to expect out of him should he be elected to office.

I am calling on Anton Konev to release his 11-day pre-general campaign finance filing and show the voters of the 11th Ward the respect they deserve.

I bet you couldn’t guess that I have held an interest in the Atlantic Yards project going on in the southern territory we lovingly term, “the city.” So, while I was mostly just following the eminent domain developments, I just ran across this article about the partnership of our favorite NPO, ACORN with the Atlantic Yard developors, seemingly in direct conflict with their mission.

ACORN’s participation in Atlantic Yards provides the astro turf cover Forest City Ratner needs to qualify for government largesses. The Ratner/Acorn relationship is mutually beneficial. In mid 2008, Ratner gifted ACORN with a package of grants and low interest loans worth $1.5 million. The assistance couldn’t have come at a better time; ACORN was having fund-raising problems due to a New York Times article about the group covering up a $1 million embezzlement by ACORN biggie Dale Rathke.

So, I have some issues with ACORN, who doesn’t? Anyway, I read on to see about our fair city (Albany!) and the recent deal with the DeWitt Clinton hotel…thanks to my fellow blogger.

On the same day ESD lawyers were defending the interests of Bruce Ratner in court, the Albany Times Union ran a story about the ESD awarding $4 million to Chaim Ausch, a Brooklyn-based investor and diamond merchant doing business in Albany as C&Y Albany Hotel LLC. The ESD gave Ausch millions even though he owes $615, 000 in city taxes, school taxes, sewer and water bills, and assorted fees and penalties! How Ripleys’ is that?

Ausch owns the DeWitt Clinton, a gone-down deluxe hotel near the capital building in downtown Albany. The $4 million ESD funding is intended to help restore the Dewitt as luxury hotel. Initially a loan, the money becomes a grant if Ausch creates 75 jobs. Ausch bought the DeWitt in 2006 as See Why Gerard LLC. The name may refer to a prior business address in the Bronx. Ausch evicted the DeWitt’s 122 subsidized tenants, a mix of the disabled (including substance abusers) and the elderly. (Putting able-bodied addicts and old people into the same housing is an upstate HUD special.) Ausch also tried unsuccessfully to roust an on-site banquet hall. The proprietor has a long term lease. In 2007, Ausch aka See Why Gerard filed for bankruptcy, supposedly in an attempt to nullify the lease. He reemerged as C&Y Albany Hotel LLC.

According to ESD chairman Dennis Mullen, the review process of Ausch was “very arduous.” Albany Mayor Jerry Jennings stands firmly behind Ausch. Chaim Ausch as See Why Gerard and another related entity, C&Y Atlantic, has stood firmly behind Jennings with campaign contributions. Ausch’s attorney says the unpaid sewer and water bills were the result of clerical error and all outstanding bills will now be paid. If the paybacks were made with ESD funds, taxpayer Peter would be paying off taxpayer Paul. With the pay-offs flowing through the quasi-private ESD. However, on the day the Times Union article appeared Chairman Dennis Mullen announced the ESD had been unaware of Ausch’s debts (guess the arduous review didn’t include public records) and that Ausch won’t get a penny of state cash until the taxes etc. are paid.

Whew. After Ausch pays, the tax deadbeat thing won’t be held against him. Nor does the ESD seem concerned about his bankruptcy filing. Maybe ’cause Ausch only did it as a ploy to break a contract.

Incidentally, in 2003, HUD got stuck with $3.4 million in dud DeWitt mortgages when the hotel’s former owners, DeWitt Clinton Associates, stopped making payments. By 2005 HUD was set to auction off the DeWitt. But Chaim Ausch stepped in and saved it from possible short sale with a $4.1 million mortgage from the State Employees Federal Credit Union (SEFCU).

Gotta wonder, huh?

Seems da boyz from planning were in the room for this meeting. Wouldn’t it be nice if the city’s departments participated in the appropriate committee meetings? Talk about a real connect. Think about it…the follow through! Oh my, the representatives of the citizens would be able to have their concerns addressed by those folks that need to address them…how sensible! A connection! Logic. I never cease to amaze myself.

So, Yevoli meanders to the table and Mr. Herring strikes up the discussion. Mr. Herring, I love ’em, but he’s not good at striking up a conversation. After a few warmups….do we have an application, He starts up with “now, youve got $1 million for this demolition project…” ACO’s ears perk up, how did I miss this? Yevoli puts the breaks on with the best retort I ever remember hearing “Actually, it’s called the neghborhood revitallization project.” giggle.

I’ve got to say, if I were in Mr. Yevoli’s position, I wouldn’t want a review process…as a citizen…I do. Ya see, a review process would almost have the planning guys be accountable. Look at it as a deflector. The next time someone criticized the City for knocking down a building in the middle of the night you can say…well, the board approved it…not me (or the Mayor.)

Ms. Holland added public comment…she’s not against demolition…there’s a place for it. I agree…I take back all those nasty things I’ve been writing on the bathroom walls about her. Ya see, boyz, there must be a process, right now it’s all at the city’s discretion. That ain’t right. (as Mr. Sano would say.) So, Mr. Yevoli, still trying to remain the “demo king” in compromise, says, maybe if we seperate the reviews…like huge demos would go through a public process and joe homeowner can still demo his hous without going through too much trouble. (Not that demos fun to begin with…may I suggest deconstruction instead of demo…it’s the way to go and can potentially be a money maker….if done right.)

I almost forgot…I must give Mr. Conti kudos as he has overcome his tendency from the previous adventure into the realm of the mumble-mouth. That’s what I like to see, representatives adjusting to the needs of the citizen. Good on ya, Mr. Conti.

I have to rank tonight’s planning meeting as one of the best committee meetings I’ve attended….and I’ve attended me a few. If you haven’t figure it out yet, I get off on citizen involvement and our representatives representin’ without screaming.

So, first on the agenda tonight was some legislation which would change the way your local pub brings in live bands, karaoke and even DJs. Now, they must apply for a special use variance which stays with the building and that goes before the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) and, should the variance be granted, the building is forever permitted to have live bands, karaoke and djs.

Now that you have this tidbit in your back pocket you can blackmail your “favorite” pub owner next time they decide to bring in a live band…free beer for ACO!! Oh yeah, you must wonder about the danger of selective enforcement in that situation.

So, the way that our city’s legals want it to be is this…owners apply annually ($300) to apply for a “live entertainment” permit. Now, that doesn’t sound too bad and takes some weight off the BZA but after you read the fine print you find out that those owners, when applying, will be required to supply signed contracts for the “entertainment” throughout the next year. What’s this mean? No more First Friday entertainment at the Uni Club, no spontaneous performances. Hell, what would’ve happened to Edie Brickell if that the City of Dallas prevented spontaneous performances?

While I do like removing the variance process, I don’t like removing the opportunity for public review. Ya see, if the legislation is passed just the way it is…the entire community’s quality of life can change when Mr. Marsolais has a friend that wants a permit. (Naw, we all know Mr. Marsolais has no friends when it comes to pulling strings.) Also, there is no appeal process in the legislation so, if John is having a bad day…you’re having a bad day.

Mr. Sano speaks what I’m thinking…”so, if it ain’t broke, why fix it?” Well, apparently it is “broke.” Ya see, if the variance provides a bar a variance, that stays with the building rather than with the owner. So, while one responsible owner was in place he may sell to an irrepsonsible owner. Apparently, variances can not be “revoked” but permits/licenses can. Yeah, that makes sense.

Ms. McLaughlin points out that the current process is stifling business. Businesses are getting shut down when they don’t have that variance and the process can kill a business. (Can you say selective enforcement?) Then she points to Mr. McPheeters in the audience and says…well, how “does he do his music events?” Mr. McPheeters ducked and Mr. Yevoli took down his name for later “enforcement.”

So, here’s where ACO got all happy….each one of my little council reps were representing their diverse communities. Ms. Fahey was concerned about the lack of the public having a say in the process so they don’t have the nice ice cream parlor next door blasting rap music until 4AM…Rozy, the warehouse for public comment in his ward (I’ve got to go visit this Utopia he keeps telling me about!) seemed content to be the eyes and ears of his ward in this process…he wouldn’t miss the public input. (Good on ya, Rozy, way to empower the citizenry.)

Mr. Yevoli, Planning guru, got all into the conversation (he was apparently awaiting the next item on the agenda.) He mentioned a group called “Responsible Hospitality Institute” who, for 20 years have provided workable solutions for integrated neighborhoods. Hey, sounded like a win/win. That’s my boy…always coming out with good ideas.

While I was terribly impressed with the discussion, I continued to be as interested in the public comment. None of that “statement reading” for these folks…well, except for one and that was probably a good thing. First up, Colleen Ryan…my neighbor (sorta), wife of Eric Hoppel of library fame and all over Albany “mover and shaker.” Order of business, Mr. Pettit, our neighborhood curmudgeon and prez of the Washington Park NA, sent her with a letter to read to the common council. He strongly suggested this ordinance would not be a good thing…strongly. Ms. Ryan expressed her views without reading from a letter. Did I say we are neighbors? We don’t need this stinkin’ legislation. (My words….you know the rest.)

Mr. Gritsavage made all the right points and tied it all up nicely with a bow. He even was impressed with how each council member was representing their own wards and the demographics of those wards. (Believe me, Jeffy, it’s not always like this!) Mr. McPheeters, still recovering from being “outed” by Ms. McLaughlin, wanted to know if the legislation would cover him. Seems this legislation needs some revampin…let’s hope this piece of work that just had it’s one year birthday dies a sad death on January 1st.

Oh yeah, Jeff Jameson, leagle, was there.

Woooieee…almost missed this meeting. Good thing I spent a few quality moments staring at the “notice” board at City Hall. After checking out their website, I discovered that these guys, unlike the Harriman folks, really do seem to meet every month, I had just never noticed it, I guess. Then again, with all my late nights I’m not the morning chick I used to be and 8:30AM is pushing it.

So, you know that if you don’t see a post by noon tomorrow, I probably thought my bed was a better place to be than 112 State.

Public comment happens pre-meeting (8:30!!) and the rest of the business meeting follows. On the agenda: a review of financials, a review of the 2010 draft budget, a planning and development update, an ops update and a legal report. Don’t know now much these folks love executive meetings but I’m about to find out.

Another item of interest is happening over at 21 Lodge on November 19th (didn’t catch the time.) Seems that the DeThomasis’ want to convert some lovely buildings at 688-692 Madison into 20 apartments. Now, Ms. Holland, over at Albany Historic assures me it’s a good plan and I trust her judgement but this meeting seems to be about IDA money. So…I’ll withold judgement for now but it certainly sounds as if this big campaign donatin’ machine is trying to get IDA money for this project that’s gonna help them put more cash in their pocket. Just be sure, IDA folks, that you play just as fair with everyone else.

Oh yeah, I’m been whispered some juicy bits about the IDA folks…I’ll fill ya in after I investigate more.

Tonight was a blast, there were two caucuses back to back at city hall and several County meetings on the agenda for tonight. I was excited to get out of the caucus early enough to run over to the County budget meeting…but, alas…I was disappointed with more cancelled committee meetings. Here’s a funny, as I was running out of the city meeting we were talking about how great the county process functioned. Yeah, I was soaking wet and banging on the door of 112 State Street…ready to learn how that great process works.

So, the Common Council…seems that Local Law 8 (I think I heard that right, Mr. Conti was being a mumble mouth tonight..and, oddly, Mr. Ellis was speaking clearly! I’m somewhere over the rainbow!) is on the agenda for Monday Night but the language is to be reviewed one more time. I’m sure we’ll end up with, basically, what we started with but ya never know.

Ms. Fahey has sponsored some legislation, you know, the stuff I call “pretty legislation?” Anyway, this legislation is good…as it all is…and it supports the “expulsion” of Hiram Montserrate from the Senate. Ms. Fahey knows a thing or too about domestic abuse that, seemingly, the courts don’t. Ya see, when there’s a case of domestic abuse that reaches the “prosecution” stage, the victim is very likely to back down. Hence…the midemeanor charge for Hiram.

I hardly ever got in trouble in school…hardly. Ya see, if I got in trouble and my mother found out about it, I was in deeper shit than I could ever be in at school. Oh, lordy…if my Mom ever found out I had done something wrong at school my ship was sunk…not because she was a strict disciplinarian but because she was so busy raising the younger half of the family, the older half REALLY got in trouble when she had to switch her focus.

So, all I can think with Mr. Montserrate is, he, dude, you think you won one with that misdemeanor? (Right….”no winners here”?…that dog won’t hunt, dude.) Wait ’til you get back to the Senate chamber, your goose is cooked. AND NOW, the Common Council of Albany is signing on for that spankin’ too. Watch for passage on Monday.

Most interesting of the items discussed tonight came from Ms. Morris. Ya see, it seems that Ms. Morris was hanging with some committee (I just couldn’t hear tonight…sorry) and she learned that the city (Treasurer’s office?) put out an RFP for the parking ticket handhelds….yup, we know that…BUT, they put out a second RFP that the Common Council didn’t know about for a company to handle the entire parking ticket process (of course, the treasurer would have oversight…maybe.) Anyway, that RFP was not posted on the City’s website, get this, it was posted on the Albany Parking Authority’s website under Financial Disclosure. Seem buried? Seem like we might not want “just anyone” seeing that baby? Maybe Big Betty is really NOT wanting to give up that sticker.

So, I understand that review of the proposals for this “outsource” is happening this next week. Now, Ms. Morris put an end to it, or so she believes. She has had them halt the process until after the election and it is not to move forward without the Common Council’s knowledge. Now, my feeling is that, if something similar to this was approved in Big B’s last budget and she is in charge of the office until January, what’s REALLY to stop her from moving forward with it. What’s the common council going to do? She’s a lame duck…that’s what lame ducks do…that and this:

From the basement of city hall…

Hey, now, I consider myself reasonably well-informed, except maybe about where some of the planning meetings are being held, and, to add another excuse…I get a little caught up in the elections but I missed something else.

Seems that New Yorkers have got two additional levers to pull next Tuesday, one regarding a land swap and another about inmates working for nonprofits. Odd that I read this in the Rocky Mount Telegram…North Carolina!!

Voters across New York will be asked next week to pull the lever on a land swap for a power line in the northwestern corner of the Adirondacks.

On a second ballot question, they will decide whether inmates can do volunteer work for nonprofits, clearing up a legal questionin order to reinstate a past practice.

I just confirmed with my “in the know” guy and he tells me that the TU had done something on this and that there is an additional lever regarding the property at 27 Western Avenue in Albany, the Adult Learning Center. Seems that the School District needs your approval to sell this property. Hey, I’m all for anything that’s putting money into the hands of our school district.

I just checked around and it seems I may be the only one to NOT know about these ballot additions…go figger.

Well, I guess we’ve all wondered, what’s happened with Stanley Nadorski. You remember him, right? He was the guy that was supposed to testify (unfriendly testimoney) regarding the APD and Chief Tuffey (since”retired” chief) but was nabbed on porn charges moments prior to his testimony.

Sure, there were questions from common council members about the “timing” of this situation but today we hear that he has pleaded guilty. I’m not sure how to feel or react. I am not happy.
So, judge it as you will…Nadorski has pleaded guilty.

And that’s about all ya get with Albany’s Bike Master Plan. What was that plan…$75…$85K? Actually, ya get a little more than signs…ya get road paint too.

So, they engaged the public 240 people were at two previous meetings and I’d say a good 80 or so tonight (I’m terrible at figuring attendance!) Those folks help determine the four policies going forward:

  • routinely consider the needs of cyclists in all city planning
  • review and update road maintenance services
  • encourage bike friendly development
  • improve bikeways over time

I used to have  a boss (just saying that leaves a nasty taste in my mouth) and his theory about consultants is that they tell you what time it is on “their” watch rather than yours. (Funny that we still hired a whole bunch of consultants!) Anyway, I kept waiting for the consultants to tell us something we didn’t already know…they did. They told me what a “sharrow” is and that we are going to have a bunch in Albany. See below for a “sharrow.”

That’s right, that’s it…that’s a sharrow. We’re going to have them painted on some streets and we’re getting some signs. Ya see, folksies, there aren’t many towns that are 400 years old in which the citizens had the foresight to build wide roads for the cyclists so we must work with what we have. (I think everyone’s aware of that.) Anyway, the first bikeway is going to be up Clinton Avenue from Ten Broeck to Lexington. Anyone out there thinking what I’m thinking?
Oh, there were a whole lot of questions but I don’t remember one real answer. Maybe Albany2030 can provide the answer. For me, I’m stilll awaiting a more fashionable hat. I just get so distracted when they get all dolled up in those pointy hats. (And most of them already have one strike against them with that Pine Nut label!)
Check the Master Bike Plan website for the “details” of the plan. They promise an upload within the next couple of weeks…thank god, I thought they had lost the password.

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