I received this note today and, while I don’t have much interest in this race at all, I think everyone should witness Maurice Hinchey’s behavior when he’s caught in a few big lies. This, my dear reader, is the type of “leadership” we get with a single party state. Now, I hate when people defend their position by pointing at the opponent, pointing out a media-hyped flaw and yelling “he’s scary.” But I gotta tell ya, this guy does seem a bit scary. The below is lifted straight from Ed Morrissey over at Hot Air. (Wonder if we’re related? I have a Morrissey side!)

Now, look here, while I generally have a Capital Region focus but I’ve got quite a few readers down Kingston way…share this information widely. While I don’t know the opponent in this race personally, I have a trusted contact on Team Phillips who assures me he is a solid candidate and this Hinchey monster looks like one mean character. Thanks to Morrissey for spreading the word.

Yesterday, YNN reported that Democratic incumbent Rep. Maurice Hinchey had assaulted a newspaper reporter after a debate with George Phillips in the NY-22 race. YNN’s videographer reported that Hinchey had “made a beeline” for Kingston Daily Freeman reporter Bill Kemble after he had asked Hinchey about a potential conflict of interest in the Partition Street Project, a project for which Hinchey had earmarked federal funds and in which the Freeman had reported Hinchey and his business partners to have financial interests, directly and indirectly. Hinchey’s campaign released a statement late yesterday that Kemble “took an aggressive step” towards the Congressman, which precipitated the physical altercation.

This evening, the Kingston Freeman took exception to that — and to a number of other claims Hinchey made at the time, too. Tony Adamis, the managing editor, sent Hot Air this statement, which I will produce in full:

I am the managing editor of the Daily Freeman, Kingston, NY, for which the reporter, William Kemble, works. The following is a statement I have prepared in response to the misrepresentations of this incident by Congressman Hinchey’s office:

There was an incident. Mr. Kemble says the congressman put a hand on his neck. A third party who witnessed the incident says he did not see that, but did see the congressman jabbing Mr. Kemble in the chest with his finger. Yet another witness says Kemble was pushed into the path of another person by the congressman.

For his part, Mr. Kemble views the incident as an unwanted distraction to his work.

However, as managing editor, I take seriously the issue of anyone, including a congressman, putting their hand on or jabbing with a finger a reporter who is simply doing his job.

Further, the Hinchey camp’s characterizations of the incident as either prompted by aggressive action by Mr. Kemble or by false accusations they claim he and the Freeman have made are untrue.

First, the videotape of the questioning of Mr. Hinchey clearly shows that while Kemble was persistent, he was professional and even in tone, while it was Hinchey who lost his composure. The congressman should own up to what everyone can see.

Second, the specific question that Mr. Kemble was asking prior to the incident and which apparently provoked the congressman involves Hinchey’s real estate interest in a commercial Saugerties development which was referenced in a congressional disclosure form for funding of a Hudson River ferry project. To our knowledge, Congressman Hinchey has never answered questions about that connection, which is why Mr. Kemble was posing the question to him.

We stand by our reporting on federal funding to an area Mr. Hinchey represents . We have made no false allegations nor has Mr. Hinchey proven once, never mind “numerous times,” that any of our reporting was false.

Readers may judge for themselves. The stories are posted online at:

— “Hinchey tops in local pork,” May 18
— “Hinchey stresses his lack of involvement in Saugerties development,” May 21

— “Hinchey misstated use of federal grant for Saugerties,” May 21

Finally, Mr. Hinchey has made a practice of not answering questions about his financial connections to projects benefitting from federal grants. He stopped cooperating early in the process with our investigation into the connection between his advocacy of federal grants and his own financial interests. His brushoff of questions from Mr. Kemble on Oct. 14 was simply the latest instance of his unresponsiveness.

I noted the “odd coincidences” of Hinchey’s pork in this post, linking to the Daily Freeman’s reporting. As far as Kemble’s approach to Hinchey, here’s the video in which Hinchey explains his position by the time-honored response of “shut up”:
Just to make this clear, Hinchey had in his Congressional disclosures a statement showing him as partial owner of the land for the Partition Street Project. That apparently was confirmed at the time by Hinchey himself. The questions asked above do not sound like an unprofessional intrusion in a private conversation, but a professional question at a public event for an elected Representative. Hinchey may not like accountability, but if so, then he should get out of Congress or his constituents should ensure that Hinchey doesn’t return again to Washington.

Come on down to City Hall!! If you want to give the common council some ideas on where to cut expenses, you should be in the chamber at 7PM. I’ll see ya there!

From Mr. Conti:

Albany Common Council to Hold Public Hearing
on Proposed 2011 City of Albany Budget

The Albany Common Council will hold the first of two public hearings on Mayor Jennings’ proposed City of Albany budget for 2011 tonight (Monday, October 18) at 7 PM in the Common Council Chambers at City Hall.

A second public hearing is scheduled for Monday, November 1 at 7 PM. The Common Council must complete action on the proposed budget no later than November 30.

Click here if you haven’t seen the budget yet.


Cuomo said Paladino and his fellow Republicans “want a public referendum on racial profiling in the state of New York.” –New York Post October 15, 2010


“We met with Mr. Cuomo’s staff in order to denounce and give suggestions to these unconstitutional acts, and to date he has done absolutely nothing,” said Noel Leader, a founder of 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care.” –New York Times, June 3, 2010

I just had a discussion with a dear friend who just happens to despise my pick for Governor, Carl Paladino. I have many reasons for my selection and none of them are emotionally aligned with issues that are dear to me…well, because rational decisions should not be made based on emotion.

For instance, Carl is opposed to abortion, I am an escort and activist with Planned Parenthood. To the shame of my sainted mother…I am 100% pro-choice. I am so pro-choice I have an action list should the legislation ever become retroactive. Ya see, Carl isn’t ever going to be in a position to overturn Roe v. Wade so I don’t care what he and my mother’s personal feelings are on abortion. If ya believe Tracy Brooks, you believe that Carl would limit women’s reproductive health. I don’t believe her but, I have different feelings on this…sit back and listen a minute.

I believe that no one should ever be paying for something to which they are philosophically opposed. This has been my idea since I was a kid. While the IRS is collecting it’s money….why don’t they put an extra little box in there where you could check off your “issues.” So, say, you support animal shelters and pro-choice…your taxes would go into one pile of money which could be used for animal shelters and another pile for pro-choice issues. That way, the nonprofits would be more responsive to those they serve rather than to the government and the government would get a good feel for what people really feel is important. And don’t tell me that’s too complicated….look at that form!

So, I sat trying to explain to my friend that this vote should not be made on emotion, which is what Camp Cuomo is hoping for, it should be made with logic. His finger wagged wildly at me as his response to my queries about his repeated disdain for Paladino was “he’s just crazy.” So, I had to hand him his fodder, “Ya gotta give me more, I can’t respond to ‘he’s just crazy.’ Are you angry about Paladino’s opposition to marriage equality.” Well, that seemed to be one reason.

Earlier this discussion my friend had admonished me for being so irresponsible (my term) as to live without television. I explained that I’ve become much more informed now that I must make my decisions without the twisted media. Next up, this guy with television questions why I don’t like Barack Obama. I explained…it’s personal. I don’t like to listen to him talk…I’m very audio-oriented and I don’t like his voice…therefore it’s hard for me to listen when he does do something I like (at least I’m honest.) More over, I believe he duped more than half the Counnty in his campaign and I can’t wait to see him leave office. Yeah, you can tell I don’t have television huh? I wasn’t so romanticized by Obama’s voice to believe he was my savior.

Anyway, remembering that earilier conversation, I asked my friend if “he was in favor of Obama’s” (whom he admires) “stance on marriage equality.” He immediately shook his head…most definately, he was completely onboard with Obama’s stance. I then pointed out that Paladino’s stance  on marriage equality was identical to Obama’s. My friend balked.

“Oh, it is not.” He exclaimed in horror. I sadly nodded the realization. He demanded that I prove my statement. Oh, you’re going to make me work for it, huh? I said, will your re-evaluate your adoration for Obama and consider supporting that same stance in Paladino if I prove it? He dared me to prove it. So, my dear friend, here ya go. Paladino may not have said it as prettily as Obama, but their positions are identical. I say we have a visit with intellectual honesty in this race…stop being manipulated by a vindictive left wing press.

How similar are Paladino and Obama? You be the judge.
Carl Paladino’s anti-brainwashing rhetoric may have alienated the gay community, but Obama’s bowling faux pas wasn’t less offensive.
Their stance on gay marriage? Identical.
Obama and Carl Paladino have leveled serious accusations at opponents without evidence.
Carl Paladino threatened a reporter, but Obama threatened a whole cable news organization. In fact, Paladino and Obama have both denounced media bias. The difference is that the media has admitted it, in the case of Paladino.
Paladino’s business decisions aren’t reflective of his purported social beliefs and Obama’s purported business beliefs aren’t reflective of his bank account.
There are several Paladino problems that are not apparent in Obama and several Obama problems not evidenced by Carl Paladino. Sadly, the other major concerns regarding Carl Paladino’s character are not that uncommon for your average American.
Nearly one in five Americans cheat on their spouse.
The first round of disgusting emails? A poll found 55% of males have received and forwarded similar internet trash.
The second round of emails? 100% of men have watched porn.
I’m not defending Carl Paladino. After all, he has the same poor qualifications of our current president. However, before the New York press pen Paladino as unfit for governor, they may want to focus on the more pressing issue — namely, that guy currently running the entire country.

Still don’t believe me, here’s a rather interesting timeline of Obama’s opinion on marriage equality…sounds a little like Mr. Paladino.

Now, while I adore Mr. Paladino for his fire, I must change gears. As my friend ventured into the realm of Christine O’Donnell…a woman of which I know nothing other than her claim to have once pondered witchcraft. Who the hell cares? My friend wagged his finger and, once again, supported his disdain for the candidate with “she’s crazy!”

Okay, this is dear to my heart. Remember that degree in philosophy before you get all critical. Witches are, generally, Panthiests, they are children of Aristotle…as is ACO. Panthiests are one with the earth…they are one with things that are tangible. My sainted mother is once again cringing. Is it more logical to “be with” things that one can touch or to praise things that are “mythical”? Myself, I find it easier to criticize Catholicism, with its cultish following and suspension of disbelief, than Panthiesm.  Apologies…sort of…to Carl and the Misses…and my good Catholic readers.

Come on folks…think…analyze…stop being gullible, you’re better than that.

I guess the press doesn’t have to ask Andrew Cuomo the hard questions because they already asked them a long time ago…before he was the media’s candidate of choice in the New York Gubenarial race.

As US Secretary of Housing, Andrew Cuomo set Federal Housing Goals that required FannieMae and FreddieMac to purchase hundreds of millions of dollars of bad sub-prime mortgages.

IT WAS CUOMO who lowered lending standards.

IT WAS CUOMO who eliminated down payments.

IT WAS CUOMO who offered 105 percent financing.

IT WAS CUOMO who pushed sub-prime mortgages containing a two percent increase in interest rates, guaranteeing they would crash.

IT WAS CUOMO who cost taxpayers $2.4 trillion and the value of our 401k’s when the sub-prime mortgage market collapsed.

As The Village Voice correctly reported in 2008: Cuomo “turned the Federal Housing Administration mortgage program into a sweetheart lender with sky-high loan ceilings and no money down, and he legalized what a federal judge has branded ‘kickbacks’ to brokers that have fueled the sale of overpriced and unsupportable loans. Three to four million families are now facing foreclosure, and Cuomo is one of the reasons why.”

When the ultra-liberal Village Voice blames Cuomo for lighting the fuse on the sub-prime mortgage meltdown, even mainstream media reporters sit up and listen

Last week, I was bewildered when a piece of County Ledger, Rich Mendick was ruled out of order. Now, the reason this legislation was ruled out of order was because it had to due with the delivery of the County Budget and that Budget had already been “delivered” therefore…the legislation was declared “out of order” and tossed aside.

Yup, the Budget had been delivered…so let’s not consider this for future practice…let’s not fix it…too late now.

So, here’s the Rez “Requesting the Albany County Executive to deliver a budgeted tax levy based on the previous year’s budget adjusted for the rate of inflation as measured by coincident economic indicators.” I see that look on your face…”what’s that mean? Right?”

So, here’s what Mendick’s rez goes on to say, “It is vitally important to ensure that the County of Albany finds a balance between the needs of those less fortunate and the taxpayers who provide for those services and that the growth of government tends to increase not necessarily because of demand by the public but because of availability of revenue and this phenomenon has caused the government to grow too big and become too expensive for taxpayers…AND the cost and growth of government should be tied to the prices in the economy.

The County Ledge’s legal guy read the title in caucus last week…then he mugged for the ledge and mentioned that he had to read it several times to understand Mendick’s logic…then he made the brilliant decision to rule it out of order cause the Budget would be delivered before the legislation even made it to committee.

Now, I’m no legal eagle but it only took me one read to figure out Mr. Mendick’s legislation. He wants the Ledge to direct the County Executive to limit tax increases so that they will not exceed the rate of inflation. He wants to find a economic balance to assure that taxpayers will not be screwed in honor of the County’s malignancy. Mr. Mendick wants to limit the bill the public recieves each year…and he is ruled out of order.

It’s a cryin’ shame.

Did I mention loudly during the caucus talkus that Albany’s gonna be giving up just a little bit more of the Pine Nuts heaven? Yup, you got it, we will be giving 2,416 square feet of land dedicated to the Albany Pine Bush Preserve and owned by the City of Albany to the County for the Fuller Road Corridor Improvement Project.

Now, why didn’t this little Karner “haven” create a stir? It seems that, based upon the information and construction plans, neither the proposed project nor the transfer of land constitutes such alienation and legislative approval is not required. I appears that, although dedicated to the Preserve, the park is, in part, also used as a popular city park managed by the Water Department it differs considerably from the rest of the preserve in that it is developed with recreational amenities not found elsewhere in the preserve. (A pavilion, picknicking facilities, a playground, restrooms, parking, a guard shack, a pump house and a concession stand as well as significant fishing and boating. As such, this patch of heaven is considered a “low sensitivity” resource zone.

The little slice of the Pine Bush will now be a part of a roundabout and there will be creation of a new entrace/exit to the park as a leg of that roundabout. Oh yeah, and there will be five-foot wide concrete sidewalks.

Now, ya know, I don’t have a big issue with this roundabout thing…none at all but this all happened so quietly I thought I’d give it a little space. So, this “transfer” raises the question as to alienation. Parkland is inalienable becauuse of the “public trust doctrin” and, therefore, must be held for the benefit of the public at large. As a result, land which falls under the public trust doctrine requires legislative approval to be alienated or used for “non-park” purposes. This transfer doesn’t change any of the usage of the park it will only improve the entrance to the park.

This information is from Larry Eckhous, Senior Attorney at DEC and directed to Chris Hawver, Executive Director of the Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission. It seems like an okay deal, the County will be improving the entrance to the Pine Bush Park…doesn’t cost Albany a red cent and, they say, the improvement will change the park at all.

I think I’m just surprised that the words “Pine Bush” were whispered in the Caucus room and no Pine Nuts were there to hear it.

A half an hour into the Budget meeting and, so far and 12 of the Common Council members are in the room. Sure, there are a lot of things going on tonight but still, this is kinda important this year. Now, remember, only the Budget Committee members are “required” to be here. The only one Committee member missing is RapMaster Freeman…maybe he is crashing from last night. Of the non-committee members not in the room, Babs Smith, MOB and Mr. Igoe. (Mr. Igoe is out of town, Babs is over at the Tonko thing and MOB…well, he didn’t check in with me.)

Last year, you might remember my irritation, Mr. Yevoli, Planning Commish entered the room and kinda said, “hey, this budget is the same as last year…no big changes.” I don’t remember any great effort put forth to convince anyone that they shouldn’t be shaved clean. This year is different, Yevolit wore a suit rather than his tie died shirt and bermudas of last year. (Naw, I’m pulling your leg.) But he does have his staff in the room and he has prepared a presentation, handouts and he did make some cuts. Here’s a little insight into Mr. Yevoli…last year the “executive” with the Department of Planning didn’t go without a raise…he gave himself a $1 raise. This year, he didn’t give himself even that dollar. He does have a quirky personality…I love me some quirky.

After several warnings to stay on topic, Mr. Calsolaro goes off…he’s held it in long enough. He confronts Yevoli…”so, are you going to tear down all these residences and putting up parking lots?” Yevoli states “I think you’re overstating.” I have to agree with Mr. Yevoli. Mr. Y asks for examples…”Dom mentions some projects I’ve sat through the BZA and the Planning Board on…he’s wrong.”

Mr. Sano states “like on Jeopardy…can you put that in the form of a question?” Dom spouts off again…still no real question just accusatory misinformation. Sano sighs, “question asked and answered…let’s move on.” (Is MOB taking notes?) Parking lots for everyone!

Ms. Fahey notes that there are an awful lot of programs and she asks if the community knows about all of the programs. Mike gives a good answer, I think. The notifications of these programs are “targeted” but he thinks they need to make more of an effort to get information out to more of the community. He notes that Albany’s homeownership is dropping in the city going from “homeowner” to “investor” and we need to, instead, go from “homeowner” to “homeowner.”

Rozy asks the question I was awaiting…with all the cuts can you assure us that the funding for the Public Access Television position is still in place. Roze notes that once this Public Access is in place, each and every of the Planning Departments programs can do commercials and advertise their programs. WooHoo…I love my Rozy!! Sure, that would spread the word, cut the monotonous phone calls asking the same questions of the administrative staff…and cut the costs of “outreach.”

Mr. Konev, one ring and one cell phone down, asks for MWBE reports from the Department of Planning. Yevoli notes that the report is the responsibility lies with the EEO/Affirmative Action guy, Mike Barber. Mr. Konev, I must come to Yevoli’s defense on this…he does a good job of trying to bring in minority contractors. I have had some extensive discussions with both Yevoli’s folks and Mike Barber. If the report is not being produced, the fault does not lie with Mr. Yevoli’s department. Oh, and Konev has specific concerns with Census tract 6 (a federally designated tract prioritized for CDBG funding.) He goes on after thoroughly impressing everyone in the room, many of which who  are now looking at their feet or smirking. “I have zum Qvestions”

He asks about the training dollars….seems there is a dollar for dollar reduction based on federal funding. His last question…”who is the City Historian?” Response all around, “Tony Opalka.” Rozy notes, “I think you’re in your last Chapter, Anton.” Anton nods and yields the floor. Ms. Golby adds that she likes Rozy’s idea on “commercials” on Public Access and asks about the names of some of the boards. “She had a question, she thinks she just heard an answer to that question but now she just wants to clarify.” Then she goes on to ask about the color coding in the presentation…I’m really “confused” by her question.

We seem to be on a downhill slide. The Committee members are reading and chatting amongst themselves (except for Rozy who is always listening) and Jackie Jenkins Cox re-enforces the need to the Department to insert some credit classes so more people can qualify for the homeownership program. Seems that she is barking up my tree. Someone has bought a building at auction and doesn’t have the money to fix it up. Now, ya see, that is the big issue I have with the County auction and the City…the County sells to move the house and then those folks who really didn’t know what they were getting into is cited by Codes and ends up losing the house.

Moving to the next agenda item, Seems the brand new Capital Resource Corporation will be delivering it’s first report tomorrow. Seems they must address wage rates paid to construction workers, use of local labor, use of local suppliers and partipation o MWBE entities.

Yevoli states that the Board of Directors as adoped policies and addressed other admin items and they are in the process of complying with the requirements of the Public Authorities Accountability Act. So, since their inception, they’ve recieved one application, that was from St. Peter’s Hospital and the CRC did not have a competitive capability to compete with traditional funding resources. Now, St. Peters is going to have to pay the Davis Bacon wage (not the prevailing wage). Seems there was over $6 million  in savings to St. Peter’s in going with traditional funding. Hey, $360 mil is a lot of bucks for the CRC’s first opportunity….they ain’t a bank.

So, no projects to report but they gave it the old college try.

On more than a few occassions, I’ve been smacked with the simplistic observation that BJ (Mayor Jennings) should just put his foot down and crack down on vacant and abandoned building owners. I agree…and he is working on it…really.

Ya see, I sit in codes court each and very Thursday and I watch as a lot of the same people parade through with a variety of excuses. Most involve money and time in resolving their code issues. Many just refuse to cooperate…some are “evasive” and some are just liars. Several have become so familiar that I have a personal disdain for the disrespect for our community. You probably recognize the names…Mala Khan (and all her associates) Chandradat, Roger A., Vicki O’Brien and now there’s a new one…Serap Konur…owner of 271 West Lawrence.

Now, I was in court a few weeks ago when Konur agreed to a trial regarding her property at 271 West Lawrence. It seems that Konur is renting out a house that is zoned as a two family as a three family. Now, I wouldn’t normally be opposed to Konur’s situation cause, like so many properties in Albany, her’s is being assessed as the three family she bought it as. See, what happens is people buy houses that are listed by the city as three families…they see the tax bill and they buy it and renovate it only to discover that zoning demands that they revert to a two family.

I know this happens because I’ve got two personal friends who have been in the same situation. These friends are playing by the rules and it’s costing them money…that’s not fair when Konur is still renting out the illegal basement apartment with the illegally low ceilings for full market rent. So, you’re probably wondering how the city puts a stop to this sort of illegalities….they finally get them in court….or so they think.

As late as 1:30, I believed this situation would be played out in Judge Stiggie’s court today. I found out upon Mr. Kelly’s  (City’s Counsel) arrival that it would not. Seems that this property owner who is in court rather often…evicting folks discovered yesterday that she needed a “Turkish” interpreter. Yeah, the day before her court date and after many, many appearances in court without an interpreter, Serap Konur, decides she doesn’t understand English well enough to conduct the business she’s understood each and everytime she’s been in the courtroom.

Playing by the rules and none too happy about the situation, the judge questioned why the last minute request for an interpreter was made rather than mentioning it during her last visit to court. (Actually, if memory serves me, she was asked if she would be requiring an interpreter….she rejected it…actually, the offer may have been from a visiting judge and a different attorney.) So, the city must now find a Turkish interpreter which may or may not need to teleconference in from NYC so that Konur can understand that her illegal apartment is, indeed, illegal.

While I wouldn’t normally spend the time writing about this case I got a little ticked when Konur left the courtroom. While she “sincerely” had English comprehension issues and mentioned that the timing certainly wasn’t meant to delay the trial in front of the judge, when she exited, she had the biggest “shit eatin'” grin on her face…she had just delayed the city and cost us taxpayers a whole buncha money to have her follow the same laws as everyone else in Albany.

Tomorrow night there will be a fundraiser for Deb Busch, 104th Assembly District, at 138 Washington Avenue at 5PM with fun happening for the next two hours. The donation at the door is just $25 but..if course, we will accept more of a donation.

If you haven’t met Ms. Busch, I urge you to come by and hang out with her. But, if you’re going to be hanging, bring your thinking cap, this chick is a quick-thinking chick who is always prepared with a well-contemplated enthusiastic philosophy on all matters civic. A lively discussion is guaranteed…the guest list is not.

While my presence is a gimme…she has invited some big name GOPpers whose schedules are much more challenging that mine. Of most interest is the appearance of Mr. Paladino’s daughter…no, not the NY Post stalked 10 year old. Also invited but not confirmed, Dan Donovan, Harry Wilson and Ed Koch. We’ll see who our special guests are that night…but, like all things Busch, the most important guest is you the citizen voter…no matter which of these supporters show…the voters of the 104th are the only people who really matter in this race.

Come on by, I’ll buy you a beer!!

(Forgot to mention, the Ft. Orange Club has offered their parking lot and the Institute across the street from O’Keeffe’s pub permits parking there when there are pub events when there are no simultaneous Institute events a’happenning.)